
Get the latest updates on what K-One is working on and our strategic direction.

February 10, 2017

Annual Dinner cum Staff Appreciation Functions

October 24, 2016

Retreat in Taman Negara To Re-Energize Teamwork

July 27, 2016

Staff Training and Development ~ Effective Business Negotiation Skills

May 31, 2016

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ~ Caring for the Elderly in the Community

May 18, 2016

Staff Training and Development ~ Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSAS) 18001

April 8, 2016

K-One Corporate Fitness Programme

December 3, 2015

Staff Training and Development ~ Understanding ISO 13485 Quality Management System for Medical Devices

September 18, 2015

Staff Training and Development ~ Break Free to Success & Release the Blessing of Achievement

August 27, 2015

Staff Training and Development ~ Understanding Job Description, Job Analysis, Key Performance Indicators and Appraisals

August 4, 2015

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – Ulu Chepor (Perak) Waterfall Clean-Up

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