

  1. The objective of this policy is to enhance the effectiveness of the Board and standard of corporate governance by embracing diversity in the boardroom.


  1. The Board sees diversity as an important advantage in the planning and deployment of its business strategy. Accordingly, the Board would not discriminate any board member and potential candidate on the grounds of race, age, gender, nationality, religion, cultural background, sexual orientation and family status.
  2. The Board should take appropriate steps to achieve gender diversity policy which is at least 30% women candidates for Board membership.

Board Appointment

  1. Board appointments had and will continue to be made based on merit. Candidates will be considered based on a set of objective criteria, such as experience, talent, qualification and other credentials.
  2. In carrying out the responsibility for identifying suitably qualified candidates to become Board members, the Nomination Committee shall give adequate consideration to this Policy and balance the Group’s business model and specific needs from time to time.

Review and Disclosure

  1. This Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its continued effectiveness. The Board will disclose details of this Policy and its deliberation when there is change of board composition in its Corporate Governance Statement set out in its Annual Report.
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